The Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program at Albany Medical Center is designed to provide a balance of supervised case interpretation, independent learning, didactic lectures, research opportunities, and clinical skills. All of this is done in the context of the six competencies mandated by the ACGME: patient care, medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice. Ultimately, these competencies ensure that we produce radiologists who are knowledgeable and compassionate caregivers. This program helps residents develop the tools to continue learning and growing throughout their careers, while being enthusiastic participants in the health care system. Upon completion of our program, residents will have acquired substantial medical and radiologic knowledge, along with the skills to apply this knowledge to all aspects of daily practice in radiology.
Daily noon didactic conferences, Monday-Friday, from 12:00-1:30 pm. Subspecialty faculty present noon conferences in both didactic and case presentation format. Additional morning lectures are often scheduled between 7:15-8:00 am given by Interventional Radiology and Musculoskeletal Imaging.
Each subspecialty follows a one- or two-year curriculum. Lectures are broadcast on WebEx to allow for off-site residents to participate remotely. Lectures are also recorded and stored on our MediaSite for residents to access at their convenience.
First year residents are given orientation lectures to learn the fundamentals in all subspecialties.
Residents participate in ongoing Physics education throughout their 4 years with live online Teleradiology Physics lectures given by William Sensakovic held on Wednesdays at noon. He also provides a review course prior to the Core Examination, which our program includes for R3 (PGY-4) residents.
Our lecture series entitled Beyond Imaging, includes additional topics of interest such as resident health and well-being, research, journal club, HIPAA, quality improvement, business of radiology, financial planning, and ethics.
Grand Rounds: Speakers from prestigious institutions are invited to present a Grand Rounds lecture, followed by an interactive case conference given by the guest lecturer to our residents. These lectures provide residents with an opportunity to associate with respected faculty members from other institutions and to learn from them in an informal setting.
Additional Opportunities
American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) Course in Radiologic Pathology:
The department provides tuition for all third year residents to attend this four week course in Silver Springs, Maryland, which presents residents with a comprehensive review of radiologic imaging with emphasis on the radiologic-pathology correlation.
Patient Safety and Clinical Competency Center:
The Simulation Center at Albany Medical College is an excellent resource for radiology residents. We utilize the SIM Center for many teaching sessions including annual sessions on:
Managing Contrast Reactions and Codes targeted for the Radiologist
US guided core needle breast (utilizing Breast Gelatin Models)
Delivering bad news to simulated Breast Patients
Ultrasound Scanning “Boot Camp”:
Ultrasound scanning boot camp is a weeklong course in early September where residents get an intensive scanning opportunity. Standardized patients from the SIM center are available for residents to learn how to perform all the basic ultrasound exams under the supervision of ultrasound technologists and body imaging attending radiologists.